An event as a phenomenon of modern culture: transformation from history to modernity


  • Tatiana Humeniuk doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the Department of Event Management and Leisure Industry, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv


Ключові слова:

event, modern culture, war in Ukraine, подія, сучасна культура, війна в Україні


Relevance of the study. In the modern world, events have become not only widespread phenomena but also essential elements of cultural life. They occupy a significant part of the public's attention and influence various aspects of our lives - from entertainment and cultural events to social and political processes.

Main objectives of the study: to transform the event phenomenon from history to the present and analyze its influence on a national scale..

Methodology: linguistics, cultural comparative studies, observation, comparative, analytical, structural-functional.

Results: this article is the result of the author's research on transforming the concept of "event" from its original meaning to modern understanding, taking into account the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. As a result of our research, we came to the following conclusion: today, it is an influential mechanism for spreading the values, beliefs and cultural identity of the country, which strengthens the sense of national identity and fosters a sense of pride for one's country. With the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the concept of an event turned from a simple event into a means of communication and public mobilization on issues that became important for society.

Scientific novelty: in the study, the author focused on the history of the event and its transformation to modern realities, analyzed the role of the event in cultural and social life, and investigated how it became an integral part of contemporary culture.

Analysis of scientific sources: the author considered the analysis of the concept of the event in literary sources from a philosophical point of view, because such an analysis will allow a better understanding of the philosophical meaning of the event and its transformation in different contexts and in different eras.

Practical significance: the author explored how the concept of an event transformed into the modern world under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine and how it became an essential element in modern culture, and considered the role of the event in political and social life, in particular, how it is used as a means of protest and expression of public opinion.

Conclusion: the social impact of events is significant, wide-ranging and complex. The current study demonstrates that much remains to be explored regarding the relationship between society and any events. Still, today it is an influential mechanism for the spread of a country's values, beliefs and cultural identity. A country can showcase its unique history, traditions and customs through cultural events such as festivals, concerts and exhibitions. It can strengthen a sense of national identity and foster a sense of pride in one's country. With the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the concept of an event was transformed from a simple event into a means of communication and public mobilization on issues that became important for society. Therefore, the speeches of writers and other public figures at events have become an essential element of open discussion about the problems of society and a means of drawing attention to the issues that need to be solved.


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