Economic Nationalism and Its Impact on Global Security in the Era of U.S. Hegemonic Decline
DOI:Ключові слова:
economic nationalism, global security, geopolitics, international cooperation, United States, економічний націоналізм, глобальна безпека, міжнародні економічні відносини, протекціонізм, США, регіональна економічна співпрацяАнотація
Economic nationalism serves as one of the key drivers transforming the modern geopolitical and economic landscape. This study analyzes the fundamental manifestations of economic nationalism and its impact on the architecture of global security amid the weakening of the dominant role of the United States. Significant attention is devoted to examining protectionist strategies, the formation of regional economic alliances, and their influence on mechanisms of international cooperation. The study also explores the role of national economic interests in reshaping the global economic system and identifies the main challenges in ensuring international security.
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