The valuable aspect of the formation of Ukrainian students in the information space


  • Galyna Barshatska Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Associate Professor, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhia
  • Vita Shcherbina Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhia


Ключові слова:

Information space, mass media, consciousness, students, society, self-existence, Інформаційний простір, ЗМІ, свідомість, студентсво, суспільство, самопочуття


The article is devoted to the analysis of the mechanisms of formation of Ukrainian student values in the information space. A great role in the well-being of society, of each of its members, is also played by the degree of satisfaction of the need for information. Since the general social system is built under the influence of the information system, in which the interaction between subsystems and elements takes place in the form of energy-related and informational processes, there is a need for information provision of all spheres of social activity. Let us emphasize that the social activity of a person directly proportionally depends on the level of development of information needs and their satisfaction. If these needs are not met, a person suppresses them, that is, his activity in obtaining information is suppressed. The information position of the individual is considered as a system of attitudes towards information, which is manifested in the styles of assimilation of information and the main methods of its processing, and is also determined by the specifics of the information needs of the individual. The purpose of the article is to analyze the mechanisms of formation of values of Ukrainian students in the information space. Human social activity directly proportionally depends on the level of development of information needs and their satisfaction. If these needs are not met, a person suppresses them, that is, his activity in obtaining information is suppressed. The influence of mass media on the formation of consciousness among students in the information space is analyzed. It is important that the choice of a source of information in mass media is influenced by factors that can definitely change the perspective of selection: income, free time, interest in a certain type of information, the possibility of accessing this information, peculiarities of information perception and attitude to a specific source


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