Rangra Nishant Sustainablility and its benefits through permaculture and agriculture management
Sustainability, Management, Permaculture, Agriculture, Future, стійкий розвиток, менеджмент, пермакультура, сільське господарство, майбутнєAbstract
The purpose of this article is to summarize both the advantages and problems of implementing the concept of permaculture management and to develop recommendations for its implementation and improvement, particularly in agriculture. Research methodology. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, analytical method. The results. Permaculture can be noticed in contradiction of the intensive agricultural system, which ultimately keeps soil unfit for agricultural purpose, slowly decreasing the amount of soil ground appropriate for human tenancy. One of the important methods is to help alleviate the type of climatic alteration in developing a sustainable food scheme on account of sustainable permaculture and agriculture. Sustainable permaculture and agriculture is a vital factor that is progressively increasing its impact in the permaculture and agriculture field. It helps in achieving sustainability in the permaculture and agricultural system. Permaculture management can be explained as approach for managing land and natural resources for developing regenerative agriculture, rewilding and community resilience. This study assesses the sustainable permaculture and agriculture system and its history and its significance. This study focuses on efficiency of permaculture management for achieving sustainability in agricultural. Practical significance of research results. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches to the formation and implementation of the concept of permaculture management will allow to increase the efficiency of agricultural management and provide the population with food. Рermaculture management is necessary for brining sustainability in agriculture in terms of ensuring seed security as well as maintaining nutrition content in food resource for meeting nutritional requirements of community. Permaculture allow incorporation of diversity in food in terms of fostering cultivation of crops that are less famous and poorly cultivated for ensuring supply food resources for all communities. The major usefulness of permaculture is identified as, improved flexibility to environmental alterations, and enhanced human health and lessening of input expenditure. Sustainable agriculture helps to care for the surroundings and protect the earth's base of important natural resources. It also helps in developing and sustaining the productiveness of the soil level. Sustainability is the sort of approach in the matter of broad farming and it helps sustain into the kind of predictable future. In the broadest perception, sustainability comprises farm-oriented finances and the type of societal equity for the atmosphere. Financial sustainability makes reference to a feasible future in the field of permaculture and agriculture.
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