Adopting the Polish experience in the renovation of industrial regions as part of the post-war recovery strategy for Ukraine (based on the example of silesia)
renovation, industrial regions, socio-economic regional development, Polish experience, post-war recovery, potential, competitiveness, economic transformation, реновація, промислові регіони, соціально-економічний розвиток регіону, польський досвід, післявоєнне відновлення, потенціал, конкурентоспроможність, економічна трансформаціяAbstract
The article explores the specificity and potential application of Polish experience in renovating industrial regions as a critical component of Ukraine's post-war recovery strategy, mainly through the case study of the Silesian industrial region. It is determined that Poland, having successfully transformed its coal and industrially-oriented regions into drivers of economic growth and sustainable development, can serve as a crucial source for the study and practical utilization of this experience for Ukraine. The phased steps in the systemic transformation of the Silesian economy from a traditional region with a well-developed coal industry to a new sector of modern high-tech and innovative production have been discussed in the article. It has been established that the main factors contributing to such transformation include an effective strategy for regional development, substantial investments in human capital and education, measures to create a favourable business environment, and comprehensive organizational and financial support from the state.
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