Transformation of Switzerland's contemporary foreign policy during the Russia-Ukraine War




Russia-Ukraine War, neutrality, European Union, NATO, Switzerland, Swiss foreign policy, російсько-українська війна, нейтралітет, Європейський Союз, НАТО, Швейцарія, зовнішня політика Швейцарії


The article discusses changes in Switzerland's foreign policy caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Switzerland, a country with a neutral status since 1815, is experiencing significant shifts in international relations, where neutrality is no longer a reliable security guarantee. Switzerland's support for Ukraine is crucial, both in terms of practical material assistance and influencing the global political elite, the public, and the country's image as it engages in warfare.

The adaptation of Switzerland's foreign policy in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war is examined through its Euro-Atlantic orientation, specifically its relations with the European Union and NATO. Switzerland's current position regarding the war and its "perpetual neutrality" hinges on its Euro-Atlantic foreign policy.


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How to Cite

Transformation of Switzerland’s contemporary foreign policy during the Russia-Ukraine War. (2023). Серія: Історія. Політологія, 37, 68-79.