Multiculturalism in education: navigating the shift from education for migrants to education for global understanding and inclusivity


  • Iryna Sikorska PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professo of Cultural Studies, Mariupol State University, Kyiv



multiculturalism, interculturalism, multicultural education, intercultural education, education for migrants, globalized world, мультикультуралізм, інтеркультуралізм, мультикультурна освіта, міжкультурна освіта, освіта для мігрантів, глобалізований світ


This article explores the concepts of ‘multiculturalism’ and its implications in education, emphasizing the importance of this concept for promoting cultural diversity in today's increasingly diverse and interconnected world. The article begins by examining the limitations of multiculturalism such as essentializing cultures and reinforcing cultural barriers. The author also analyses how the shift from multiculturalism to interculturalism has occurred and what the implications it has had in academic discourse and educational practices emphasizing the needs for educators to adopt a most appropriate approach in designing curricula, fostering inclusive classroom environments, and preparing students for living and working in a modern globalized world. The shift from an education model that focused primarily on meeting the needs of migrant students to ones that prioritize multiculturalism and global understanding is also presented. The author concludes displaying some of the key principles of multicultural education, including inclusivity, cultural awareness, equity, critical thinking, and a global perspective.


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