Narrating the war in Ukrainian literature (2014-2023)



Ключові слова:

trauma, memory, therapy, identity, contemporary literature, postcolonial studies, postmodern literature, травма, пам’ять, терапія, ідентичність, сучасна література, постколоніальні дослідження, постмодерна література


The article is dedicated to the analysis of contemporary Ukrainian literature, that was written during the war (since 2014), with a focus on the texts, that reflect the Russian-Ukrainian war of different periods (till 2023). Ukraine, after more than 30 years of independence de-jure, is trying to get rid of the impact of the colonizer de-facto, which is a rather unique case to be studied within the postcolonial methodology. The war, as a cataclysm, influences Ukrainian society and the authors choose several strategies to talk about it: from presenting the war as a result of irresponsibility, separation and inevitability to providing the therapeutic effect that is demanded by Ukrainian society and after-the-victory narrative (that is a very specific feature because of the still on-going war). The research is based on the works by Serhii Zhadan, Tamara Gorikha Zernya (Duda), Hanna Kostenko, Sofia Andrukhovych, Pavlo Korobchuk, Halyna Kruk, Ostap Slyvynskyi, Oleksandr Mykhed, Valerii Puzik.


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